Turnkey construction


Dřevostvab Freestyle

Freestyle is by far the most popular turn-key timber construction among our clients. It is a house in the traditional rectangular shape with a gable roof and an attic floor.

Dřevostavba Freestyle Boční Pohled

Our project can meet even the most stringent regulations applicable to a landscape-park type of area.

Although the Freestyle is a turnkey timber construction, we assume that every project is different and we adapt it to the needs and requirements of a particular client. For instance, timber constructions can be extended lengthwise, to broaden the internal living space. It is also possible to single add a single storey building used as a hall or warehouse or add a roof above the entrance. Any changes or modifications to the project are always realized in cooperation with the architect so that the house does not lose its aesthetics or functionality.


Freestyle is built with cross-laminated timber technology (CLT). The supporting structure of the house is drafted on a computer and then transferred using CNC technology on a 1:1 scale. That’s how individual features of walls, ceilings and roofs are formed. Those are subsequently very quickly assembled to form the final timber structure on the building site. This unique system of foundation of the timber construction is suitable for sloping land as well.

Dřevostavba Freestyle
Today 20:36

Do you like turnkey timber construction Freestyle? We offer you a trial rental, or we can design the very same timber house for you.

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